Sunday, May 18, 2008

Launch of Systematic Wealth newsletter (beta)

My friends, you are looking (above) at the prototype of a millionaire instrument! Indeed, newsletter publishing is one of the ten most common millionaire occupations!

My marketing plan is to offer this newsletter at a nominal fee to all the users of Linkedin (all 21 million of them).

You can subscribe for FREE, for a limited time, by sending me an email at with "Register me for Systematic Wealth please" in the subject heading. No need to write anything else. This offer is valid ONLY for subscribers of this blog.

To your fabulous success!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Should you reveal your connections?

If you're one of my Linkedin connections, you might have noticed that my connections are not viewable publicly.

I chose not to reveal my connections for a very simple reason: I have joint venture plans of a very confidential nature, so an astute competitive intelligence specialist would easily infer, from the CEOs or other executive-level persons I'm connected, what my future plans are.

However, to increase transparency and thus enable everyone to "see" everyone else, I will publish a monthly newsletter soon to share stories about what's going on in my network of 860+ connections.

This way, all my connections can see what other people in my network are doing that is interesting, and can contact them directly and invite them to connect on Linkedin.

In the end, whether you choose to reveal or not reveal your connections is really your decision to make.

Except for a few rare situations, either decision is fine and will not prevent you from fully benefitting from Linkedin.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Your mind determines the scope of opportunities

What you consider to be impossible for you, basically sets the boundaries of your mind.

In other words, if you consider something to be impossible for you to achieve, then your mind will NOT consider opportunities for you to test (and possibly disprove) your assumption.

For instance, if you think it's impossible for you to make $10,000 in 5 hours, then you will naturally avoid or even ignore such opportunities.

In my case, I was able to make $10,000 in 5 hours a few years ago, so that experience has expanded my mind as to what I could achieve.

It's the same principle at work when you use Linkedin.

If you believe it's possible for you to find a five-figure client through Linkedin, then your mind will consciously and subconsciously search for such opportunities until you find it.

In other words, our minds are like "flashlights": opportunities will emerge, from the darkness of the timespacemind abyss, only if we project the light of our mind on them.

I know, this sounds like weird esoteric stuff, but trust me, without this deeper understanding of how reality unfolds and, in particular, how a person's life is totally determined by himself/herself, Linkedin will only remain a sophisticated Rolodex or contact management system.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with Linkedin being used as a virtual Rolodex or a powerful contact management system.

But to create wealth for oneself by using Linkedin will require a more subtle understanding of how we can use our minds to shape certain life experiences that occur within our waking consciousness.

For example, when we sleep, we are absolutely unaware of what is going around us, whether in our bedroom or in any room of the house -- or anywhere in the city, for that matter.

Only by waking up can we begin to see the objects and events happening around us, and to take action based on what we perceive.

Similarly, most users on Linkedin are still asleep and do not yet "see" the real opportunities being offered by Linkedin.

I will write more on how a person can "awaken" and learn to use Linkedin as a vast and expanding pool of economic agents who can work for her, and for whom she can work -- in win-win partnerships.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Linkedin is a tool for financial freedom

Many people use Linkedin for career purposes, and there's nothing wrong with that.

But the minority who use it for business purposes -- to continually build and refine, in a compounding fashion, their competitive advantages while multiplying marketing options and accelerating sales cycles -- those are the ones who get rich.

What do I mean by "continually building and refining one's competitive advantages"?

I mean you have to keep getting better and better at doing what matters most to your clients.

If you're an accountant, and you spend your time on Linkedin Answers answering questions that have little to do with accounting, that's not good.

But suppose you do spend your time answering questions that are related to accounting, the next question is, "Would you be able to gather all your answers into an eBook and offer it to your existing clients? Would they appreciate that eBook?" If the answer is Yes, then your time spent on Linkedin Answers is worth it because it "builds and refines your competitive advantage," which in this case is your accounting expertise.

Ultimately, Linkedin can be a huge black hole into which a person's time will disappear. So we have to learn to use it strategically.

Multiplying connections without having a clear goal, is another example of not using Linkedin strategically. If you don't have a clear product or service to sell, then you could have 10,000 direct connections and it still would not make a difference to your bank account.

Let's take a real example to see how important it is to have a product that you can sell through Linkedin.

Imagine Person A, who has 500 connections but no product to sell. Then imagine Person B, who has only 50 connections, but has an ebook that he sells for $20.

Person B is ahead of the game, since he could easily identify people in his Linkedin network who have 500+ connections, and propose an affiliate deal with them: they can inform their connections of the availability of the ebook, and they get 30% of sales.

Not only will Person B make more money that Person A, he will also be invited by his readers to join their Linkedin network.

In other words, Linkedin can be a powerful tool for achieving financial freedom if it is used strategically.

I've seen many sites talking about how to use Linkedin, but few of them mention any method or technique for making money with Linkedin.

Ultimately, making money is not rocket science nor is it that complicated. You've got to have a product, and you've got to sell it to the people in your network.